

West Meade
Neighborhood Association

Giving Neighbors a Voice
in Their Environment

Has your home been damaged by intense blasting?

If so, please fill out the survey. The more people who complain, the better our chances of fixing a potentially serious problem, and possibly get some help fixing our homes.

View the presentation from the June 27, 2024 WMNA Meeting.

Hot Topics!

Proposed Bill to Change Zoning for All of Nashville

Is 40 Years of Blasting Causing Foundation Problems in West Meade Homes?

Your chance to be heard! Create a new Topic or Reply to a Hot Topic.

Developer Complaints

If you see developers/builders/contractors in the neighborhood doing something

that is concerning, post a reply to this discussion.

West Meade Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

Donate to West Meade NA!

About West Meade

West Meade, Nashville, TN, USA is a residential area of over 1800 homes. Our neighboring ‘hoods are Hillwood to the north, Belle Meade to the east and Bellevue to the south. Belle Meade is renown for its high cost, luxurious homes. Bellevue is the largest neighborhood, and has its own shopping area with a skating rink. West Meade is an oasis of trees, grass and residences surrounded by the hustle and bustle of a big, growing city. West Meade was originally a farm and stables, and parts of the original rock walls that acted as land borders between neighbors still exist.

Free Membership

If you would like to become a member (Yes, it’s FREE!), register on the site. You will get updates and meeting notifications in email. To get access to ALL of WMNA’s website, you need to register as a resident or a temporary guest. The registration form is your first step to exploring information about our community and the larger West Nashville area with all of its available amenities. If you are within the boundary of West Meade NA, you can register as a Member, if you are outside the boundary (within 2 miles), you are welcome as well – just register as an Affiliate Member.


In 1883, Gen. William G. Harding gave his daughter, Mary, 2600 acres of his farm, Belle Meade. The same year, Mary and her husband, U. S. Senator Howell E. Jackson, bought a 131-acre farm adjoining that tract. They built this home at a cost of $14,905. During his lifetime, Howell was a U. S. Senator and a justice on both the U. S. 6th Circuit Court and the U. S. Supreme Court. The house remained in the family until 1944 when the farm was sold and subdivided.

Some Useful Links for Residents

A list of sites from Nashville Government to Local Service Organizations.

WMNA Newsletter

Stay Connected

The newsletter appears quarterly (at least) in your email. You have to be an active member to receive the newsletter, but you don’t have to receive the newsletter if you are an active member.

If you haven’t registered as a Member, do that FIRST – then the signup form will be visible.




501(c)3 Management

WMNA is a 501(c)3 organization. You can read our Mission Here. We meet quarterly, and manage neighborhood communication, fund raising and management, representation to the local government and planning for West Meade wide events.


Greet New Neighbors

Keeps track of new home owners/renters and manages welcome visits, cards, baskets. Organizes new neighbor events and welcoming gatherings, and provides introductions at WMNA meetings.

This team is a District 23 wide team that coordinates with WMNA.


West Meade Class

West Meade is a beautiful place to live, and the Beautification team is organized to manage our open spaces and common grounds.

This team is a District 23 wide team that coordinates with WMNA.

Safety & Security

Neighborhood Watch

Organizes neighborhood safety measures, institutes a Neighborhood Watch program, alerts WMNA to safety/security concerns, monitors police activity in the neighborhood, garners interest in maintaining security within the neighborhood and affiliate neighbors.


Being a Neighbor

Monitors and organizes neighbor care needs. Alerts WMNA to catastrophes, losses or hardship needs, and participates in organizing ad-hoc neighbor care teams.

This team is the District 23 Hospitality Committee that coordinates with WMNA.


Doing What is Right

Provides members with information on keeping our collective carbon footprint down, alerts members on programs that promote ecological sustainability, such as composting, recycling, clean power options, etc.